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Liver Health Formula

From time to PureHealth Research (“PureHealth”) submits to its clientele surveys regarding their experience with PureHealth products, specifically the Liver Health Formula. PureHealth emails every purchaser of its product and asks them to participate in a survey related to the products they have purchased. The surveys are conducted with a view toward determining the average or “typical” results of a purchaser of the products that PureHealth produces.

Not all customers respond to the surveys. Even among those customers who do respond to PureHealth’s survey requests, such customers may not respond to every question.

The results of the most recent survey, conducted in December 2024 and January 2025, are summarized below. Please note that numbers are rounded to the nearest whole number percentage. In this case, 205 customers responded to the survey, and not all customers completed the full survey. The customers who responded to the survey include purchasers of the Liver Health Formula product who have been using it for more than 12 weeks.

60% (123/205) of the customers responding to the survey have been using the Liver Health Formula for more than 12 weeks. 10.73% (22/205) have been using it for just 12 weeks; and 8.78% (18/205) have been using it for 8 weeks or more and 17.56% (36/205) have been using it for 4-7 weeks.

48.78% (100/205) of customers responding to the survey say that compared to other liver health products they’ve tried, PureHealth’s Liver Health Formula is much better. 28.29% (58/205) say that PureHealth’s Liver Health Formula is about the same as others they have tried. 15.12% (31/205) say that they have not tried other liver health products.

87.8% (180/205) of customers responding to the survey say that since starting to use PureHealth’s Liver Health Formula, they have noticed increased energy levels. 7.32% (15/205) said that they had not noticed increased energy levels; 4.88% (10/205) said that they were not sure.

58.54% (120/205) of customers responding to the survey say that they have experienced better weight management since starting to use PureHealth’s Liver Health Formula. 21.95% (45/205) said that they were not sure about experiencing better weight management; 19.51% (40/205) said that they have not experienced better weight management since starting to use PureHealth’s Liver Health Formula.

47.9% of customers responding to the survey say that they saw a 0-5 lbs. weight change distribution since starting to use PureHealth’s Liver Health Formula. 37.2% of customers responding to the survey say that they saw a 6-10 lbs. weight change distribution since starting to use PureHealth’s Liver Health Formula. 7.4% of customers responding to the survey say that they saw a 11-20 lbs. weight change distribution since starting to use PureHealth’s Liver Health Formula. 7.4% of customers responding to the survey say that they saw more than 20 lbs. weight change distribution since starting to use PureHealth’s Liver Health Formula.

73.17% (150/205) of customers responding to the survey say that they have noticed improvements in their digestion since starting to use PureHealth’s Liver Health Formula. 20.49% (42/205) said that they were not sure about noticing improvements in their digestion; 6.34% (13/205) said that they have not noticed improvements in their digestion since starting to use PureHealth’s Liver Health Formula.

46.34% (95/205) of customers responding to the survey say that they have experienced changes in their bowel movements since starting to use PureHealth’s Liver Health Formula. 23.41% (48/205) said that they were not sure about whether they had experienced any changes in their bowel movements; 29.76% (61/205) said that they have not experienced changes in their bowel movements since starting to use PureHealth’s Liver Health Formula.

41.46% (85/205) of customers responding to the survey say that they have noticed reduced swelling in their legs, ankles, or abdomen since starting to use PureHealth’s Liver Health Formula. 33.17% (68/205) said that they were not sure, while 25.37% (52/205) said that they have not noticed any reduction in swelling.
36.59% (75/205) of customers responding to the survey say that they have observed improvements in their skin condition since starting to use PureHealth’s Liver Health Formula. 39.02% (80/205) said that they were not sure, while 24.39% (50/205) said that they have not noticed any improvements in their skin.
79.02% (162/205) of customers responding to the survey say that they have noticed an improvement in their overall well-being since starting to use PureHealth’s Liver Health Formula. 13.66% (28/205) said that they were not sure, while 7.32% (15/205) said that they have not noticed any improvement in their well-being.

89.27% (184/205) said that they would recommend PureHealth’s Liver Health Formula to family and friends.

For the changes they experienced, customers responded as follows:

Increased energy levels Improved digestion Changes in bowel movements Reduced swelling in legs, ankles, or abdomen Clearer skin Improved overall well-being